Saturday, October 16, 2010

Evolution of a Work - "Valley in Bright Light"

Here's a recently finished painting that will be in the show.  I still remember the feeling of sketching in the field on a nearby farm.  The sun was bright but the air was cool, and I loved the shapes and colors of the fields stretching down toward the valley.  The light was clear and bright, accentuating the shapes of the hills.

"Valley in Bright Light" 2010  Pastel 11" X 15"
This painting began with a sketch I made on location in early spring, using hard pastels.  I hiked into this location, after talking with a local farmer to get permission to work on his land.  I loved the sense of exploration and feeling free, and in-the-moment as I walked the land with a handful of art supplies, mostly grateful for the warmth of sun on my back, and connection to the land.  It is in this that physical and spiritual worlds unite, and I feel uplifted with connection and gratitude.

The strong value contrasts between  the woods and fields were a major appeal to me on location, and I played them up in the final work by making the darks strong, yet a mysterious blend of purples and blues.
Initial sketch

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