Monday, July 25, 2011

Plein Air, Thunder Brewing

I went out sketching this morning, scribbling quick graphite sketches as the sky darkened, and a bit of wind picked up. I was hoping to work on a pastel on location at a nearby farm, where I love the layered recession of fields and hedgerows in morning mist. However, with the sky rumbling with distant thunder, I figured that it wouldn't be possible to get my easel set up and finish a pastel, and there was a risk of lightening, so I adapted to scampering around with just a pencil, small sketchbook, and colors registering in my memory.  After eight quick sketches, sure enough, along came rain, and closer thunder chasing me back to the car.

Even though I didn't harvest what I sought, I felt the stirrings of nature itself, and felt connected, and found some other views I'd never noticed. One of these little sketches may later grow in to a painting... too early to know. Even if it doesn't, the bonding with the land renews me. And I'm glad for the rain which we really needed!

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